Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Evaluation part 2 - Who would be your target audience for your product

We decided that our target audience would be 18- 25 year olds. We decided this age because these our the people that would watch zombie films more and have more money to waste on products. Its only because they are mostly students and they would be more into films and have enough time to watch them. We chose 18 to 25 because of our feed back from the questionnaires that we gave out. We also chose the age rating 18 because most horror films are aged 18 and above.

Feed back

For our feed back people said that the age of the protagonist should be from 15 to 30 this is from the lowest people said to the highest. The answers we got was 19+, 17-24, 20-30, 18-26 and 15+. We looked at these and decided that it would be suitable for the protagonists to be the same age as the audience. So our age rating is 18 to 25 so our protagonists our with in that age bracket.

We made moods boards based on what our audience would be interested in and what they would be like. We done a male and a female version.

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